November always makes me think of being grateful. People ask me how I got started in this crazy and unpredictable career as a painter. That's when lightbulb went off: Do a blog post on gratitude for Sally Munson and The Munson Gallery
I started painting professionally in the fall of 2005 when I got my first studio in the basement of ArtSpace, Maynard. I painted as much as I could while raising my two young daughters. I entered some shows, I was in a group landscape show at ArtSpace Maynard and had a solo show at our local library. I had some good feedback and some sales. At that point I entered a painting, "Grace" (see photo below), in the Creative Arts Center Annual All Cape Juried Art Show in Chatham, Cape Cod. I won a FIRST PRIZE! It was really exciting
Cape Cod Creative Arts Center All Cape Juried Art Show first prize painting, "Grace"
Flash forward a week or two to an art opening at a local gallery, The Munson Gallery, which when I was growing up in Chatham, was THE gallery, with a serious history through generations. It was on way into town and stood out with it's bright yellow barn doors.
I was talking with a member of the staff at the opening and mentioned that I had just won this award around the corner. She took my business card and that's where I figured it would end. Then about a week later, I got a call from The Munson Gallery asking if I would show them my work. I met with Sally Munson, the owner, while she reviewed my work for maybe two hours. I was so nervous! At the end of our meeting, she told me she wanted to take them all and give me a shot! I was ESTACTIC!! I mean, this was THE MUNSON GALLERY!! What a break!
History of Munson Gallery: (from their website)
The Munson Gallery, established in 1860 in New Haven, Connecticut, is one of America's oldest art galleries. A branch of the gallery has existed in Chatham, Massachusetts since 1955. Two decades ago, Larom Munson, grandson of the founder, moved the gallery west to historic Canyon Road in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the second-largest art market in America.
We are proud to represent some of America's finest artists. Years of experience observing, considering, and contemplating contemporary art have refined our vision and defined our taste, resulting in the works exhibited in the gallery. Selection of artists is based on the quality and originality of the work, and considerations of personal and artistic integrity.
We have watched many of our artists change, grow, and receive deserved recognition by inclusion in both museum and private collections.
Opening reception for my two woman show with artist, Nancy Colella
To see a quick and spontaneous tour of The Munson Gallery in their current location,
click here.

From April through October Sally and Munson Gallery hangs art in a rotating show at Pisces Restaurant in South Chatham.
I'm so appreciative of Sally giving me my first "gallery representation" and taking a chance on me. Having that first reputable gallery opened up other galleries for me. I am eternally grateful. As I've said to folks, I could have banged on one hundred gallery doors that year and not found the right match, but I lucked out. The timing was right and someone took a chance on this emerging artist.
Sally and I are friends to this day and I am so grateful for her and look forward to many more years of selling art together!
For more information The Munson Gallery. – Uoshuusa Iqoloab
Do you know the artist of this print?
Good evening,
I have a print that was given to me as a gift from 1984 that came from the Munson Gallery. If I sent a. Picture, might you be able to tell me the artist. Thank you!